Besides musicians, the "tribe" includes various performance artists, such as dancers and the occasional shaman:

The band hails back to 2003, but has morphed into various shapes and sizes over the years, with various acts augmenting the aura that is Hipnautica. Some talented folks have come through the Hipnautica group, and have moved on to solo acts or more conventional bands.
Dig a bit into the website, and you find that Hipnautic isn't just about the music: Unsurprisingly, the group takes a more holistic approach to their art (and presumably, lives); explaining the break from traditional rock and roll performances.
Their sound, as these pics imply, sport influences from all over the map; with primitive percussions bumping around violins, interwoven with the occasionally-complex electronica arpeggio, topped off with Reznor-ish vocals. A little dub-step, a little industrial, a little steampunk, a little electronica; every number bulges with dramatic character.
They seem to perform all over town, and you can catch 'em at Club 1808, the Prague, and Headhunters; their next show is a double-header at Venue 222 on the 22nd (of February). All in all, they're cramming 9 shows into the next 24 days - Check your favorite venue, they're probably playing there next.
Here's one off their latest CD, Thistle:
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